
artist statement

My relationship with clay has always been intertwined with the body. From the anthropomorphized language surrounding pottery to the physical demands of wood firing, the vessel reflects not only function, but the essence of the human form.

The body serves as a repository for our experiences, emotions, and cultural heritage. It embodies our identity, transcending mere geography to become our vessel of existence.

As I've transitioned into my late twenties, the profound impact of decay and aging has become increasingly apparent. Through familial and personal experiences of loss and tragedy, a palpable anger has emerged, stemming from the relentless passage of time.

In the kiln, flames and ash etch memories into clay, bearing witness to labor and capturing the essence of transformation. The energy evoked parallels the intensity of anger, driving change and unpredictable metamorphosis in the methodical chaos of wood firing.



Nicolle Hamm was born and raised in Mead, Washington, and lives and works in Missoula, Montana. She earned her BFA in Ceramics from the University of Montana with a minor in Art History/Criticism and is pursuing a graduate certificate in Museum Studies. She is a potter, researcher, and the Administrator & Community Programmer at the Missoula Art Museum.